Muffins vs. Teacakes

Created by Philip one year ago
Mum and Dad argued and contradicted each other all the time - particularly as they were preparing these ‘meals’. Rachel was witness to the Great Muffin vs. Teacake debate – much to her embarrassment as she hadn’t seen this sort of thing before! It went something like – 
‘Eric, bring those tuna muffins through please.’
‘They’re not muffins, they’re teacakes’
‘Now, don’t argue just bring the muffins through’
‘I tell you woman, they’re not muffins!’
‘Eric, they’re muffins I bought them myself’
‘I know a muffin when I see it ..... etc. etc. (it went on a while)
 Rachel was totally bemused at this and was at least thankful she wasn’t asked to judge!